Daniele Nutarelli
guitars, e-bow, loop machine

Michela Scarpini
voice, dulcimer, percussions

Cesare Guasconi
hurdy-gurdy, kantele, loop machine
Music is our powerful energy.
Earth, water, air, fire, natural elements which gave rise to any substance that make up matter. The earth, or rather solidity. Water, or the measure of space and time. Air, vibration, complementary opposites. Fire, heat and wholeness.
The combination of all these elements creates what for the alchemists was the "quintessence", the fifth element.
A union of different elements that we try to instill in our music.

Recensione di "Onirica" su "ARLEQUINS"

(Radicimusic Records 2020)
Ecco finalmente il frutto del nostro lavoro, presente sia in formato Cd che in digitale su tutti i maggiori canali.

"Bolsenarte 2020" - 5 agosto 2020
Bellissima location per il nostro primo concerto di agosto. Ventosa, ma indiscutibilmente di atmosfera.

I nostri dischi su etichetta:
RadiciMusic Records